Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Delectable Discussions

After tasting each course on the menu, reflect on the following questions and respond to at least two other posts from your peers.

Some guiding questions:
  • What communication and collaboration tools did you explore?
  • In what ways can you help your students improve their communication and collaboration skills?
  • In what ways can you as a teacher use communication and collaboration tools to enhance your own learning?
  • What was your favorite part today’s training?


  1. Each course dealt with online communication in order to connect with other educators.

    The webquest with blogs doesn’t typically enlist live interaction, but Skype and Twitter allow for instantaneous feedback and collaboration.

    Each technology medium is conducive to a different style of communication that students need to learn. Blogs are more academic, Skype helps with face-to-face interaction, and Twitter helps students learn to adapt their conversation skills that occur more organically into a more productive tool.

    As a teacher, it is important to explore and discuss the newest educational trends in an educationally focused network. This type of collaboration helps teachers keep with the latest and greatest new in educational advances.

    Our favorite part of this training was learning to use GoogleDocs as a powerful tool in the classroom.

    1. I guess they can all be academic according to the facilitator. The GoogleDocs are amazing...couldn't agree more. Hope we get the capability of using them with our kids, including the email piece.

  2. Today’s menu included Google Docs, lit trips, virtual tours, quadblogging, Skype, and Pinterest. I can help enhance student learning beyond the classroom by using lit trips, virtual tours, quadblogging, and Skype to connect to the outside world through museums, Google Maps, and other classrooms. Google Docs, quadblogging, and Pinterest would help to show students how to collaborate and use technology to seek communication that improves their writing and speaking.

    Google Docs, Skype, and Pinterest provide opportunities to collaborate with other teachers and parents. I can exchange ideas through print, pictures, and face-to-face using these tools.

    I enjoy that this training is modeling how we can provide a structure to allow students to use technology with specific tasks and lessons, along with a lot of freedom to learn and explore individually and with a group.

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    2. Padlet now only uses sticky notes that would be great for exit tickets, but students can also post videos, hyperlinks, images and pdf files. The can use Padlet to collaborate.

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  4. 1. We looked at Yummy Class Blogs, Scrumptious Sticky Notes, Sweet and Spicy Skype, Palatable Pinterest, and Tasty Twitter.
    2. Learning to use sticky notes and Padlet will help students with communication skills and collaboration by being able to comment and respond to others thoughts or ideas.
    3. Teacher blogs, technology blogs, and Twitter keep you updated on the latest innovative lessons and the newest technology websites.
    4. We enjoyed learning about the Google lit trips and the different ways to use Skype in the classroom.
    Dee and Becky


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